.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: @f{xyzstatvalue} .. _@f{xyzstatvalue}: @f{xyzstatvalue} ================ .. us.tag @f{xyzstatvalue} NOTREADYENGLISH fieldfunction New5506 Display statistical values for the specified 3D datasets created from data triples. .. function:: @f{xyzstatvalue(DatasetName, Type)} @f{xyzstatvalue(DatasetName, Type, Format)} .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: DatasetName Name of a 3D dataset. .. uparam:: Type Name of the statistical value: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - xmin - Value of the smalles x coordinate * - xmax - Value of the greatest x coordinate * - ymin - Value of the smalles y coordinate * - ymax - Value of the greatest y coordinate * - zmin - Value of the smalles z coordinate * - zmax - Value of the greatest z coordinate * - xmean - arithmetic mean of the x coordinates * - ymean - arithmetic mean of the y coordinates * - zmean - arithmetic mean of the z coordinates * - zminposx - x position of the z minimum * - zminposy - y position of the z minimum * - zmaxposx - x position of the z maximum * - zmaxposy - y position of the z maximum * - meandeviation - Calculate the mean deviation. * - variance - Calculates the covariance, see also :ref:`cov` * - standarddeviation - Calculates the standard deviation, see also :ref:`std` * - standarddeviation2 - Calculates the standard deviation 2 sigma. * - median - Calculates the 0.5 quantile * - quantile - Calculate the quantile. The value in the range 0 to 1 is separated by a colon. Example: @f{xystatvalue(Data1, quantile:0.1)} calculates the 10% quantile. * - npoints - Number of data points .. uparam:: Format Specifies the number format. The default format is %g. Example: %.3lf will print the values with 3 decimal places. For a complete description see :ref:`printf`. In field functions commas are not allowed inside the format string. .. us.comment **Comment** To find the dataset name, click the dataset. The name will be displayed in the status bar, e.g. ``Data3``. The field function can be inserted into a table object or text object. .. us.example **Example** .. highlight:: none :: z = @f{xyzstatvalue(Data10, zmin)} g/kWh x = @f{xyzstatvalue(Data10, zminposx)} 1/min y = @f{xyzstatvalue(Data10, zminposy)} Nm **Output**: :: z = 216 g/kWh x = 2432 1/min y = 138 Nm .. highlight:: us .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2013.6 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-field-functions`, :ref:`editupdate-fields`, :ref:`diagraminsert-field-function` :sub:`id-1879323`